Are you ready for the challenge?

Good presentation skills will be one of the differentiating factors helping you rise within your organization.

A pie chart showing 15% technical skills and 85% other skills as the main factors of business success.

“85% of your financial success is due to your personality, and your ability to communicate, negotiate and lead. Only 15% is due to technical knowledge.”

Carnegie Foundation
Charles Riborg Mann | Study of Engineering Education

The path to executive leadership requires more than technical prowess. It demands the ability to communicate ideas, drive visions, and inspire others. Partner with me to unlock these skills and shape your future success.

Private Presentation Skills Coaching

Presentation Skills Tailored to Your Own Personality

Presentation skills coaching gives you the power to become an articulate speaker.

Presenting with confidence, clarity and conviction does not have to be a mystery reserved for the select few born with the talent.

In fact, it’s not a talent at all! Instead, it’s a skill that can be learned, cultivated, improved, and mastered. And that’s exactly what we will do together in our 1:1 Private Coaching sessions

I bring 10+ years of experience guiding individuals in all sorts of companies from a broad range of industries.

The result of this experience is a personalized presentation skills coaching that respects your individuality and empowers you to connect strongly with your audiences through your unique, personal communication style.

What Can You Expect from Private Presentation Skills Coaching?

Seriously Enhanced Presentation Skills​

You will be delivering presentations that not only inform but also inspire and get people to take action.​

An Overall Increase in Confidence

Learning and practicing to speak and present with clarity and conviction positively affects self-confidence.

Authentic Connections

This is about developing a unique presentation style that resonates with your professional objectives and your audiences' needs.

Strategy, Accountability, Reviews and Support

Our collaboration will be shaped around the following four pillars:

An icon depicting strategy.

Strategic Goals

We will align your own presentation style with your own goals and aspirations. These will form our roadmap towards getting you become a confident presenter.

An icon depicting a check mark.


This is our constant companion, ensuring that you are not just learning new knowledge and skills, but actively growing.

An icon depicting a calendar or agenda.

Weekly Reviews

These sessions are essential for tracking progress, adapting strategies and celebrating success. They also ensure a continuous alignment with your set goals and desired future state.

An icon depicting 24 hours help.

Office Hours

Through email and WhatsApp, I offer weekly office hours to provide you with continuous support and guidance.
For urgent and time-sensitive questions, I'm mostly available and one call away.

Unlocking the Power of ‘Less is More’

“After our work together, I am able to present clear, compelling stories and deliver them effectively.

We have gone through the invaluable logic of 'less is more’, and not only have I been able to use slides as supportive tools instead of the main focus, but I've also discovered simple PowerPoint tricks that save time during preparation.

This freed-up time is now invested in fine-tuning the content and improving the delivery points. The training has also increased my comfort and confidence during presentations, and I've become more skilful in story building and delivery."

Not Just Better Slides—Better Salesmanship

"Before working with this program, I only had basic presentation skills - something akin to a grade school education. However, the training I received was a game-changer. Not only did it improve my technical skills but it also significantly boosted my confidence, equipping me to handle my presentations more effectively.

I now have a strong foundation for continuous growth, and I'm confident that with further practice and mastery, my effectiveness in sales meetings will significantly improve.

After applying the techniques and features I learned, even my managers noticed a drastic improvement in the visual appeal of my presentations. This program has truly elevated my presentation skills from basic to impressive, paving the way for my professional growth and enhancing my confidence in my abilities."

A One-Day Transformation for Important Presentations

"I participated in a one-day workshop ahead of a career-defining speech. What struck me was the revelation that crafting a presentation extends far beyond just assembling a PowerPoint deck; it's about weaving a coherent narrative and making meaningful connections throughout the speech.

From the outset, we set clear objectives, which became the framework around which our entire session was designed. The most invaluable takeaway for me was gaining a nuanced understanding of the dos and don'ts of effective presenting.

I wholeheartedly recommend this workshop to anyone facing an important presentation. Its unique approach diverges from traditional training methods, offering hands-on practice coupled with insightful feedback."

Is Private Coaching Right For You?

Here are 10 questions to guide you when considering working with a private coach:

How is the coaching tailored to my specific needs and industry?  

Each coaching engagement begins with an in-depth consultation to understand your unique needs, industry challenges, and personal goals. From there, I design a personalized program that aligns with your objectives, integrating industry-specific examples and strategies.

What are the expected outcomes, and how will success be measured?  

Expected outcomes include enhanced presentation skills, greater confidence, clearer messaging, and more impactful communication. Success is measured through ongoing assessments, feedback, and observing tangible improvements in your presentations.

How flexible is the scheduling, especially considering possible time zone differences?  

Scheduling is highly flexible, and sessions can be arranged to accommodate different time zones. Virtual sessions are available to ensure convenience and accessibility no matter your location.

Is there any pre-assessment to understand my current skill level and areas that need attention?  

Yes, a thorough pre-assessment is conducted at the beginning of the coaching process. This helps identify your current skill level, strengths, and areas for development, ensuring a targeted and effective coaching experience.

What kind of follow-up or ongoing support is provided after the coaching sessions?  

Follow-up support includes monthly reviews, email access for additional questions, and the option for further one-on-one sessions as needed. My commitment to your success extends beyond our scheduled meetings.

Can I see examples of success stories or testimonials from individuals in similar roles or industries?  

Certainly! I have a variety of success stories and testimonials available from professionals across different industries and roles. Please reach out to me to hear about some examples close to your industry or background.

What technologies or platforms are used for virtual sessions, if applicable?  

Virtual sessions are conducted using well-known platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams, depending on your preference and comfort. It is my responsibility to ensure a seamless and interactive online coaching experience.

Are there any introductory sessions or initial consultations available to determine fit?  

Absolutely! I offer a complimentary initial consultation to discuss your needs, answer any questions, and ensure that the coaching program is the right fit for you. You can contact me here.

How are the strategy sessions, weekly reviews, and office hours structured, and what makes them unique?  

Strategy sessions are intensive workshops tailored to your goals, while weekly reviews provide reflection and adaptation of the ongoing plan. Office hours offer on-the-spot guidance. What makes them unique is the continuous, personalized support they offer throughout your journey.

Is there a satisfaction guarantee or any assurance of quality?  

Yes, I offer 100% satisfaction guarantee with our collaboration. I’m confident in the quality and impact of my coaching, and I’m committed to working with you until you see the results you desire. Feel free to reach out if you have any concerns, and we’ll address them together.

Let the journey begin.

Get in touch with me to discuss our next steps towards your presentation mastery.

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